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See the wood for the trees.

Through our workshops and practical sessions, you can discover how design thinking and processes can benefit your businesses in ways you never knew were possible.
  • All
  • Visual Design
  • Brand
  • Experience Design
  • Online

Visual Design





Demystifying Design

This session aims to demystify the design process and give you the best visual design advice based on your business needs.

This is a great session for anyone interested in learning more about visual design as a whole and the process behind what goes into great design.

For many, design is a grey area. It's understood that great design can make or break a brand or product, but how do you go about understanding and in turn commissioning great design work?

This session gives you the fundamentals you need to understand the theory behind the principles of visual design and how that can translate into real results for your business.

As part of this session we guide you through these themes:

The design process – how designers tackle a brief and the creative process behind great design.

The principles of visual engagement - Explaining the principles of visual design, how people perceive visual material, and how to design for better engagement.

Building bridges – communication challenges between designers and non-designers, and how to use a shared language for better working.

Who is it for?:

This session is primarily aimed at non-designers who are tasked with commissioning design work and would like a better understanding of design themselves.

It’s also great for mixed teams of designers and non-designers looking to create a shared understanding of design.

Want to know more about Demystifying Design?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.



Process 101


Design Process 101

A session which aims to solidify your design process.

This is a great session for teams who do design in-house but need a more solid process in place, or who are building an in-house team and need to get the fundamentals right as they grow.

We’ll explore the processes you need in order to effectively utilise great design within your team, and how to share that vision with your clients and their audience.

As part of this session we guide you through these themes:

Defining the creative brief - Working together to think about the creative aspects of a brief and why it's important to separate creative from non-creative requirements.

Creating a shared vision - Evaluating ideas across your team and the art of getting client buy-in early on.

Presenting creative work - Doing your creative ideas justice by building a story around your ideas and selling in your concepts.

Evaluating feedback - Encouraging reflection after presenting your ideas and capturing responses constructively.

Who is it for?:

This session is great for organisations building design teams who need rock solid processes from the start. It’s also great for established design teams looking to improve their current processes.

This session will be of interest to both non-designers and designers alike.

Want to know more about Design Process 101?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.



Creative Culture


Fostering Creative Culture

If you’ve ever wished your business could work more creatively, this is a great session for you.

creative culture is essential to businesses of all kinds, particularly those with an interest in visual design and capturing market trends. The session is aimed at companies of all types, who wish to inject some creativity into their workflow.

We encourage teams to think creatively, become inspired by the wealth of creativity available, and to harness that creative culture to benefit themselves and their organisation.

As part of this session we guide you through these themes:

Inspiration - Inspiring your team with real world examples of innovative design. What to look for and where to find them.

Exploring - Navigating habit-forming practices for constant exploration within the workplace.

Capturing - How to set up an internal hub for creative content.

Sharing - How to run sessions which showcase discoveries and embrace innovation and inspiration.

Who’s this for?

This session is aimed at any organisation looking to build a creative culture within their business. It is open to designers and non-designers alike and is suitable for any job role.

It can be delivered as a one-off session, giving you the tools to explore, capture and share creative inspiration, or as a series of sessions to inspire your team over a period of time.

Want to know more about Fostering Creative Culture?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.




Your Brand


Creating Your Brand

This session is aimed at organisations looking to either define and create their brand from scratch or breathe life into an existing brand.

This session will help you to define what your brand is about, who your audience is and how you can create a brand which reflects your company’s personality, goals and business objectives.

The session is all about self-discovery, and defining and tackling strategic branding challenges with Wolfcub as your guide. Delving deeply, we'll discover the genuine, authentic foundation of your brand, foster creative ideas, and help you explore whichever elements of your brand you need the most help defining.

As part of this session we guide you through these themes:

Your brand purpose - We help to define your brand’s purpose, helping you to gain greater meaning, engagement and influence.

Your big vision - Helping you to think big and construct a bold vision for your work, or empowering you to create one.

Your core values - The values your brand embraces are the code by which you do business. They are unique to you and act as a benchmark for behaviours and performance from the inside out.

Your brand's archetype - Are you the hero, giver or rebel? Based on rock solid psychology, we'll help you discover the archetypal storyline and meaning which most accurately represents your brand with the purpose of giving you a fresh lens to view your business decisions through.

You're unique, so act like it - With so many companies doing the same thing, and trotting out the same clichés about their work, we help you define what makes you, you.

Review of your visual identity – Based on our exercises throughout the session, we then review your visual identity if you have one, or talk about how you might visually represent your brand if it’s yet to be created. We’ll explore whether your visual identity is an accurate representation of you, and if not, how can it be made so.

Who’s this for?

This session will benefit entrepreneurs, funded startups, small and medium businesses, CEOs and anyone struggling with creating a new brand, or breathing life into a tired one.

Basically, this is for anyone struggling to answer the big question, 'What are we all about and why should anyone care?'.

Want to know more about Creating Your Brand?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.

Experience Design



your Product


Defining your Product

This session is aimed at organisations who have a product idea, but need help to define what it is they’d like to bring to life.

Perhaps your team has been tasked with bringing a new product to fruition, but you have no idea where to start or need some guidance along the way. In this exciting and highly interactive session, we help you to understand the foundations of your idea and how these key factors translate into the scope and roadmap for bringing your product to life. The session is based on strategic thinking and decisions which align your product with your business goals.

As part of this session we guide you around these themes:

What are we trying to accomplish? – Asking the big questions, like: “What problem are we trying to solve?” Working out your measurements for success and failure and how to gain insight from key stakeholders.

Who’s going to use this and how? – Talking about the audience, what we know about them and who they are. How are they going to use the product and why?

What’s their experience going to be like? – Helping you to map out key user journeys and talking about what we want your audience to experience while using your product. From functional to emotional, how we can ensure it’s on-point.

How to move forward – What next? -Now you understand what it is you’re trying to achieve and have an idea of who it’s for, we delve into action points and tools for making your product idea happen.

Who’s this for?

Any organisation, team or individual with a product idea, interested in guidance, inspiration and the right tools to define and develop their product.

This session is aimed at anyone, from any background, tasked with scoping, designing or developing a product.

This session is particularly suitable for funded startups, small and medium businesses and organisations wishing to rapidly validate and define ideas as part of a team.

Want to know more about Defining your Product?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.




your Website


Defining your Website

This session is aimed at anyone tasked with the design or redesign of their organisation’s website.

Your website is the public face of your organisation’s online presence, and as such is one of the most important aspects of your business to get right. It can be challenging to align your business objectives, brand message, content, functionality, experience and visual design to make sure the website you create or redefine is an accurate (and attractive) representation of your business.

We guide you through key questions around your motivations for creating a site, who the site will serve, and the key messages you wish to put across.

By delving deeply into your business, we can get a grasp on your organisation’s brand positioning, tone and purpose as well as the motivations of the audience you’re looking to engage with your online presence.

As part of this session, we guide you through these themes:

Your organisation –Getting to know you and what you do. Discussing your brand, tone and current site or marketing materials.

The objectives of your site –What are you looking to achieve online, and why?

Measuring success – We discuss what success factors look like based on your site’s objectives.

Your audience –Who will be using your site and what are their motivations? What’s their journey into your site?

Information architecture –Giving your site a structure that meets your objectives and your audience’s needs.

As part of the session, we will provide a document of written findings with key action points allowing you to plan and scope your website brief based on strategic thinking and key business objectives.

Who’s this for?

Any organisation, team or individual in charge of a website design or redesign project interested in guidance, inspiration, and the right tools to define and develop their online presence. This session is aimed at anyone, from any background, tasked with scoping, designing or developing a website.

Want to know more about Defining your Website?

Please let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.


A member of our team will be in touch soon.

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